Sunday, March 06, 2005

Cross-border relations

It is inevitable that the seats of political power in Canada will hold steady to their command. The federal government has much to lose, for those politicians and bureauocrats with power in their hands. The seed of their dissolution, though, is already planted. The primarily economic interests of cross border states and provinces will bring to the forefront many issues of trade rationalization. These border states know that the flow of goods and people across their international borders is critical to their political fortunes. It is not surprising to see an era of cooperation and consultation taking place between some provincial and state governements.

We can expect that as issues of U.S. security affect trade issues, whether it be border traffic or health concerns affecting trade (cattle industry, for example), the politics of the nation state as represented by governments in Ottawa and Washington will become increasingly beholden to the important realtionships that make our border communities codependent. This, ultimately, will force the Canadian national interests to confront its destiny. Surely, there will be a time when the forces of commerce, of mutual self-interest and common cultural formations will direct our political wills toward an open border. Labour free to move as capital and goods. This will unleash powerful economic forces that will benefit all North Americans. Most importantly, it will deliver a more prosperous reality for Canadians.

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